Alternative (and Legal?) Ways To Enhance Your Studying Potential

NYU Local
NYU Local
Published in
5 min readMay 15, 2013


By Chelsea Beeler

Finals week is the bane of every student’s academic career. It’s the time when we all flock to the library to read everything we should have read earlier in the semester. It’s the time when we all spend hours browsing J-Stor looking for the perfect PDF to supplement an eight-page paper. It’s the time when we all hate everyone and everything.

If you’re one of those people that are lucky enough to have a “study-enhancing drug” prescription, then perhaps none of what you’re about to read will be of interest. However, if you’re one of those people who’s non-stop texting/emailing your “drug dealer” for Adderall or scouring through your purse/backpack/tote-bag like a lunatic looking for that loose Concerta you know you had, then keep reading. Following are five alternative ways to enhance your studying potential — if you know of any others worth sharing, feel free to comment below.

Unlike Adderall (which is a nasty mix of amphetamines and other stuff), Noopept is not a stimulant. It falls under the category drugs known as Nootropics, which are drugs/supplements/etc. that supposedly improve cognition, memory, intelligence, motivation, attention, and concentration. Noopept is primarily used and prescribed in Russia to treat Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other diseases that negatively effect cognitive and motor functions. Little is known about the adverse side effects of Nootropics (including Noopept) because of their lacking prevalence in the United States. Unfortunately this lack of popularity means you won’t be able to find Noopept over-the-counter or even with a prescription — however, it’s easily found via Google search and can be purchased on eBay.

Modafinil is a psychoactive drug that acts as a stimulant, and is usually prescribed to treat narcolepsy and other sleep disorders. The drug is known to improve memory, enhance one’s mood, alertness, and cognitive performance, and, according to Gizmag, “has a smoother feel than amphetamines and enables the user to stay awake and alert for 40 hours or more” without a serious comedown. Modafinil is a Schedule IV controlled substance approved by the FDA, which unfortunately means a prescription is required for use. If you can’t get a prescription, or don’t want to for whatever reason, browsing the Nootropic Sub-Reddit may yield results of non-U.S. providers, but you’ll have to dig.

Brainwave: Altered States
Brainwave: Altered States is an application that can be downloaded to your iPhone or iPad (for $1.99), which helps to “stimulate brainwave frequencies associated with different states of mind.” Depending on your mood you can select one of 15 programs — such as “Awakened Mind” or “Inspired Creativity” — and from there alter the “ambience” by selecting one of 12 atmospheric sounds. The app runs anywhere from 30 minutes to eight hours (depending on what you’re looking for) and includes features that allow you to control “ambience” and “brainwaves.” If you’re one of those people that can’t listen to music while studying, you should still consider Brainwave: Altered States a viable option. The app helps your mind get into a “groove” that is tailored to your needs, and in no time you’ll realize it’s been three hours and all of your reading is done.

L-Theanine and Caffeine
L-Theanine is an amino acid and a glutamic acid analog that is primarily found in tea, but can also be purchased as an over-the-counter supplement. Taken by itself, the compound allegedly reduces mental and physical stress and produces somatic effects, but when synergized with caffeine, theanine acts a mood booster capable of improving cognitive performance. According to one Reddit user — who combined 250mg of theanine and 100mg of caffeine — his speed-reading abilities improved from 800 wpm to 1000 wpm. To test/practice your own speed-reading abilities (with or without theanine), check out Spreeder.

B12 and Orange Juice
Unfortunately you won’t feel the fast acting effects of 5000mcg of B12 the same way you would with +10mg Adderall, but then again B12 won’t leave you wide-awake in bed at 5 a.m. afraid to fall asleep due to the irrational fear that your heart will stop beating. The vitamin supplement is better for long-term daily intake and has been found to improve moods and prevent memory loss. It’s naturally found in meat (chicken, pork, fish, beef, etc.) so there’s a chance that you won’t even need to purchase a supplement, but if you’re a vegetarian or just looking for an extra boost you can find B12 at any grocery or drug store. In regards to orange juice: taking the supplement with OJ isn’t absolutely necessary or anything, but Vitamin-C is an antioxidant that will help eliminate free radicals (a.k.a. those pesky atoms and molecules that damage your brain) from your system allowing your brain to function at a higher capacity.

Let us know your favorite non-drug study enhancer below. Happy finals!

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