A Brief Note: Why Didn’t NYU Make Me Take Math While I Was Here?

Basic arithmetic, why hath you forsaken me?

Ali Golub
NYU Local


I’m graduating in about a month now and one thing is clear: I am really, really bad at even the most basic of math.

It wasn’t always like this. I got an award once for being the best sixth-grade girl in math. But I never really liked math and when I got here I realized that Film & TV gen-eds are sorted in a way that you never have to take a math class if you don’t want to, because it’s a BFA program (talk about a fake degree!). So I never did.

And now, I struggle to do simple math at work like 120 minus 66. This is all your fault, NYU! If only you had forced me to keep up with math, maybe I could look at two numbers not divisible by 5 without sweating but alas…it’s too late for me now. Save yourselves. Take math.

